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First post of Average to Maverick

First off, the feelings about now launching the website officially, a month after I purchased the domain

This is my first blog post of Average to Maverick! And also, first blog post ever! Gee, this feels so empowering and incredibly fun! Actually having a personal platform that suits me. Wow! What an interesting concept! I feel like this is a place I may be able to shine, maybe even outshine my YouTube channel, too! Though I like doing both. But here's my first impressions of starting a blog!

  1. I like blogging because I can relax, listen to music and just sit back and relax, not worry about how I look in front of a camera and such.

  2. It's really quick, I can easily make posts about my progress in a more digestible way from this place!

  3. I feel less pressure here. No editing, no mistakes found after an upload, no thumbnail making, just a title, a couple of paragraphs and then *bam, done*.

The point of this website

The point of this website is to be able to help show everyone involved with my site and YouTube channel that it is really not impossible to change your life for the better. This is a small step towards my direction of sharing advise and helping people to motivate themselves to take action towards their goal. And I hope that's made possible to witness live what could happen if you just start. As in, seeing my channel and website grow in rhythm of your actions towards your dreams!

What are the benefits of starting a blog?

The one thing that's beneficial is you get a really easy spot to journal your life, your improvements and challenges you've faced along the journey, that you're now striving towards smashing through like The Incredible Hulk smashes concrete like it's styrofoam.

Also, there's a market for pretty much everything here on the internet! There's always an audience, somewhere, thats interested in listening what you've got to tell them or interested in seeing what you're doing. Therefore, I think it's a no-brainer to start a blog! It's also really easy to just write something concise and interesting at the same time. Like using Twi-... sorry, I mean, X, but not braindead and useless.

Closing thoughts

It almost feels a little sad to already get to the closing thoughts. Silly, I know. But I think that if you're a person who's done things like me, putting off chasing your deram for over six years, seeing that damn boulder finally move away from crushing your dreams and ambitions really feels so empowering. You realize, you're in control of your situation. Not any random SOB out there. You're the powerful freight train that moves toward your goal, smashing through some roadblocks, switching the levers that lead to the shortcuts on the tracks of that train.

Unfortunately don't have that many thoughts right now as I'm writing this post here and now. I want to finalize this post with one thing to you, the reader. Please, please, please. Start with your dream ambition you want to start out with. Right now! Really, pause everything. Get into a private space for a moment. Think deep and hard. What do you need to do right now that actually moves you into the right direction. And actually go do it.

I want to say thank you for reading my post! But one thing that would mean so much more to me than a thank you for reading my post, would be if you actually go out there and just start. For real, that would make me so damn happy. And you'll be even happier. I promise. Thank you. Erik at Average to Maverick, signing out.

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