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The mandatory moments of plummeted motivation & feeling stuck in life

Here we go. For the first time in three months, I feel completely dried out. Since yesterday, I've nearly felt depresses due to the fact that not much is happening. And what should feel empowering, feels depressing right now. I'm talking about the fact that I am the problem, not the world. This is usually a very powerful way of thinking and seeing things, as it grants you the awesome power of being able to do something about your situation. But right now, as for the previous two days that have passed, it just feels so darn depressing, as I feel useless.

I haven't filmed anything for my YouTube channel, as my time is limited to when my daughter is at her mothers house. I also haven't managed to convert a single one of my five leads I gained through my marketing on Facebook, into a paying customer. It feels rough. Not a single customer that's willing to take part of my offers and services. Why? They're not attractive enough yet. I need to create an offer that's too good to say no. I also need to streamline it so it becomes easier to see what I offer and easy to say yes to them. Difficult, but part of the journey, and oooooh boy will it be satisfying to have my very first customer! I'm going to se how other businesses do their funnels and see if I can use their funnel as a template for my own.

Just a rut

Yes, I know this is just a rut, and it will pass, and I can change my frame of mind and yadeeyadee yada. That is really important to exercise yourself to do, and train yourself to take very small steps forward, when you feel this way. I was about to go to bed right now as I'm writing this. But I felt too tired and frustrated to go sit back at my desk and write this all down. So I did something incredible.

The secret and my insights

Let's start with the secret that helps tremendously. As I wrote earlier, I really feel like crap for not doing anything of the things that I set my self out to do. One video per week on YouTube. We're closing in on two weeks with out a video, I really want to put something out there for this week, but I couldn't bear myself to do it. How can I make this process easier for my self?

Here comes the secret: make it easier.

For example. I was going to go to sleep and watch some YouTube videos about business and how that stuff works etc. As I was having trouble focusing on the videos at hand, due to anxiety about not performing, I had the idea that I wanted to just write myself off for this blog. It's easy. I don't need a script. I don't need a camera, filming my self where I need to look good. No editing needed. No nothing!

And not only that! I have an old laptop just sitting here and collecting dust. I felt too frustrated to go up from bed and force my self to sit in my office chair and write this blog post directly from my computer. So I just plugged in my laptop to the outlet, powered it on, logged in to Wix and started making this post. This made it feel much easier, and more comfortable doing this from my cozy bed, as I'm ready for sleep.

So here came my insight. Utilize this laptop more!!!

How about installing Vegas Pro on this laptop too, and having a system where I upload my current video project onto Google Drive or Dropbox or something in the likes. Or perhaps set up a home database server where I can instantly access all my files via a Raspberry Pi server so I can sit down anywhere and edit my videos or something. I don't need to tie my self to my plain old bedroom office anymore. I can choose to sit on the balcony and write a script. I can brew a nice little cup of ice coffee and sip on it in the kitchen while editing a video! Wrapping up

So this old $50 laptop from 2014 can serve me really, really well! It really does the work good enough for making blog posts, so I can probably upload my scripts to Google Drive too, so I can simply go wherever I want and refine my scripts. That's what I'll do tomorrow, set up Google Drive properly so I can allow my self to make this all easier and cozier.

So, perhaps you should find a way to save up a little bit of money and buy a used laptop or a brand new one, depending on your needs and likings. Being able to sit by my laptop and work seems like a winning concept! I also own a new mouse, so it'll be perfect for this purpose! Might also buy an extra keyboard, or better yet, repair my Logitech G413 keyboard so I can use that one externally :)

Final message before you go

Okay, wow. Simply writing this post has put me up against the wall by my self. As if I'm talking to my self and thinking of what to answer my self. This opened up some clarity and new ideas and therefore, more hope! I feel better after writing all this. Even though it's to no one! Well, technically, someone might happen to stumble up on to this blog and read this very post, but that's highly unlikely. But who cares! I got to both write it and read it!

So, you should definitely start a little blog for yourself. I never thought I'd ever gain anything from starting a blog for my self, yet I tried it out and darn, it is really enjoyable!

Key points: make it easier, consider investing in a laptop, work using the cloud, start a blog.

Thank you very much for reading, and I hope I'll see you in the next one!

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